
We are developing high-value-added varieties with high productivity, environmental stress tolerance, and pest/disease resistance using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to solve the food security threat of humans and livestock.


The Seed Research and Business Development Division of ToolGen has two primary business objectives. The first is R&D, which develops high-value-added seeds using genome editing technology. Several research projects are underway for this purpose. The second is cultivating and producing seeds and selling seeds and processed products. We are currently growing various soybean varieties (non-GE) in different regions for the sales business.

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Advantages of genome editing technology in crop breeding
You can mutate a target trait exactly on the DNA and make a point mutation similar to naturally occurring mutations. Since the cost of developing genome-edited crops is almost identical to normal crop development, small seed companies and venture companies can use CRISPR/Cas9 technology for breeding. In addition, using genetically stable inbred lines or cultivars for gene editing can shorten the breeding duration. Therefore, the editing technology can be applied to all crops, such as cereals, vegetables, fruit, and ornamental crops.

The Seed Research and Business Development Division has worked on seed development for five years. We're trying to edit trait genes with various crops and running several research projects. For Phase I, we obtain seeds from the selected editing crop with no foreign gene insert. Phase II and III are selection processes undergoing the breeding practice, field testing, and small-scale seed production. The entire process before commercialization takes at least six to seven years.


High-content oleic acid soybeans

High-content oleic acid soybeans

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Browning suppressed potato

Browning-suppressed potato

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Herbicide tolerance corn

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Herbicide tolerance soybean

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Acrylamide suppressed potato

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Solanine suppressed potato

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


AA-recombination soybean

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Drought tolerance pepper

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Toxin suppressed tobacco

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)


Soft rot tolerance Chinese cabbage.

Target Discovery (0.5yr)

Phase 1 (3yr)

Phase 2 (2yr)

Phase 3 (2yr)
